Re: /dev/kmem: Permission denied

Dan Schlitt (
Wed, 1 Feb 1995 09:23:37 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 31 Jan 1995, Casper Dik wrote:

> >/dev/mem and /dev/kmem are normally group kmem, not group sys.  At
> >least on any system I've ever looked at, which I mercifully has not
> >included Solaris yet.
> In Solaris 2.x they are owned by group sys.

The thing that I find missing in this discussion is a rationale for
the change in group ownership.  Having at one time run a script
supplied by Sun to change the ownership of lots of files because of
securtity problems in SunOS I am not confident that Sun has well
thought out reasons for changes such as the one being talked about



Dan Schlitt                           School of Engineering Computer Systems        City College of New York
(212)650-6760                         New York, NY 10031